Here's the question: how are online communication tools used to facilitate online?
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Online communication tools for events
Here's the question: how are online communication tools used to facilitate online?
Elements of skillful on-line facilitation and the process of facilitating an online event
To some extent what makes a good on-line facilitator is the same as what makes a good face-to-face facilitator.
Engagement. This covers two aspects, the most important being the engagement with the subject matter. An enthusiastic articulate teacher is like gold in almost any situation. Most other elements in the virtuous circle are initiated by this passion. The second part is the direct human to human engagement that is not quite the same thing as engaging with the subject. I have know some very engaging teachers who didn't get their students into the subject matter very well but were loved by students. How to get both sorts of engagement into your on line facilitation? Hmmm.. I think to some extent you're born with a personality that works in this context. But you can work at it and by trying to understand the motivation and like difficulties of the other on-line participants get them to the same place as the profoundly charismatic Nobel prize winners.
Mastery of subject. You have to know your stuff and be good at getting basics across. This is not as obvious as it seems as much of the IT-type subject matter changes very quickly. There is another dimension to this in the on-line world where you have to master the on-line tool if you're the facilitator. At least up to the level required by neophytes who are being facilitated. Going into a classroom and talking is pretty straightforward but going on-line and talking is not the same and both can be pretty deadly to listen to.
Appearing organised and structured. This is a consistent complaint by students in all forms of delivery. They want to see structure and and a non flustered teacher who has a plan and takes command. Not bossy or inflexible just organised and has some contingent plans for when things go awry.
Beyond those above characteristics, I think we can add some special elements that a skilful on-line facilitator will have.
Before the meeting:
Having good idea of time and date.
Booking all equipment for the session
Lining up the speakers and giving them a run through
Advertising the session effectively
Shoulder tapping people who'd be ideal participants
Making notes to have ready when real thing starts
Getting biographical data from relevant people.
Anticipating time differences
Setting up pictures and slides
Thinking about take-home message
Thinking about subsequent sessions
Anticipating the time given over to different activities.
Just before the session
Check in with the main speaker
Have a plan with that speaker
Go over protocols
Test equipment working
Start the timer
Make sure slides and images are ready and seen by early people
Decide on microphone usage and breakout rooms
Start recording
During the session
Introduce speaker
Give structure of session
State purpose and outcomes
Explain simple features of on-line tool
Establish protocols for questions
Say when comments are welcome
Give procedures for when crashes may occur
Keep eye on chat window
Encourage quite ones
Discourage crass ones
Wind up session when nearly finished.
Thanks speaker
Give instructions how to re-hear session.
Engage in elegant departure
Follow up with speaker by email.